Happy #moleculemonday! I’ve been reposting some of my older posts about SARMs bc people still don’t understand how to use them and how strong they really are. This molecule, not a SARM but incorrectly grouped with them, is popping up everywhere and it’s worth discussing again.
It’s called MK-677 and it’s pictured here. It’s actually an oral GH secretagogue(stimulates the release of GH), which is really quite remarkable. To clarify, GH is a 191-amino acid peptide and must be taking via injection. When peptides are taken orally, due to the pH of the stomach being so acid, they are quickly hydrolyzed(broken down by water) into an inactive form. This compound was specifically designed to withstand the acidity of the stomach and it does this very well. MK-677 has been shown to work via 4 different mechanisms: 1) increasing GHRH 2) amplifying the GHRH signal in the brain 3) decreasing somatostatin(hormone that turns off GH release) and 4) inhibits somatostatin signaling. Early studies show very promising results, with subjects exhibiting increases in GH and IGF-1 levels by as high as 89% after 7 days. This may correlate to increases in lean mass, as well as decreased body fat. The dose in the study was 25mg/d. This a really a first in the aim to create an effective oral GH intervention and the results in the studies have been good so far. I personally used MK-677, for 2 months at 25mg/d and my IGF levels were 257, which was above the high range! I loved it and will be taking more again for a longer period of time. Sadly, MK-677 has been banned(technically it’s a pharmaceutical research drug) but plenty of research chemical sites still sell it. As with GH, the longer you take it, the more beneficial it is to you. Having said that, I still think it’s effective to cycle on/off every 4 months to be safe and maximize effectiveness over time. It can be stacked with any androgen/SARM/DHEA product for max results.
Author: TheGuerillaChemist
You can follow him on instagram @theguerillachemist
*These statements are for educational purposes only.